Walking Tour of Discovery Park: Overview

 Discovery Park
 Walking Tour Sites
Site 1: Trees
While we will certainly see a wide variety of trees on this tour, this is a great opportunity to identify several of our native trees. These are the building blocks that make our ecosystems what they are. The first one we see is the Bigleaf Maple. You probably have a pretty good idea what a maple is, but you can tell by the big leaves that have palmate venation (all the veins radiate from a single point at the base of the leaf). They also have a cool fruit! The fruit is a samaroid schizocarp; a samara is a fruit that has a wing, while a schizocarp is a fruit that splits into two when dry and ripe, and this one is both! Also note that the leaves have 5 major lobes, as opposed to our other native maple, Vine Maple, which has 7 lobes. In this area we are also fortunate to have two of our native cypress trees (Cupressaceae), the Alaskan Yellow Cedar and the Western Red Cedar. These trees are characterized by overlapping scales, rather than needles or leaves. These scales are actually the best way to tell the trees apart; the scales of the Alaskan Cedar abruptly jut outward before coming back into the next scale. On the other hand, the Western Red Cedar scales smoothly overlap to the next scale, with each individual scale being about wide as it is long. Ironically, none of these trees are actually cedars, because true cedars are in the genus Cedrus. Some trees that are particularly easy to identify are pine trees! Pine trees are characterized by bundles of needles, and pointly scales on their cones. The number of needles per a bundle can tell you the species; 2= Lodgepole pine, while 3= Ponderosa Pine. Finally, we have the flagstone tree of the PNW, the Douglas Fir. You can identify Douglas Fir from its thick, cracked bark, pointy growth tips, and cones with little 3 tipped wings peaking out from under the scales. Yet again, Douglas Fir is not a real Fir tree, because Fir trees are in the genus Abies. This only demonstrates how misleading common names can be.
Alaskan Yellow Cedar: Note how the scales jut outward before retreating to the next scale
Western Red Cedar: the scales overlap much more smoothly than Yellow Cedar
Look closely to see the three tipped "wings" peaking from the scales of the cones on this Douglas-Fir
Pointy growth tips of the Douglas-Fir
Lodgepole Pine: 2 needles per a bundle
Ponderosa Pine: 3 needles per bundle. Also note the purple male cones!

Site 2: Invasive Plant Species

While many people go to urban or national parks to observe and be part of native habitat, few realize how many invasive species there are. If you are unfamiliar with a system, it is hard to pick out what is out of place. Of course, most of us grew up with invasive plants, so it doesn’t seem so odd. In fact, many of us probably grew up with parents who took pride in growing exotic plants in their backyard. Unfortunately, it is typically these plants that escape the backyard to invade native habitat. Also unfortunately, we select species that have long flowering and fruiting times, grow quickly, produce sweet fruit, and have beautiful flowers. This makes pollinators select these plants over other native plants, and the sweet fruit is enticing to animals like birds, which then disperse the seed over long distances. At this site, we have a couple examples of this. First, and most commonly, is Himalayan Blackberry, characterized by the sweet black drupes, green photosynthetic stems, many stamens in the white flower, and thorns. This was initially planted because the fruit was tasty. Almost right next to it, we have Scotchbroom, which is characterized by its brilliant yellow flag flowers which are bilaterally symmetric. A single bush can produce hundreds of seeds, which are often quite resilient. Furthermore, Scotchbroom is a nitrogen fixer, which alters the soil so that it can take advantage of the altered chemical properties. This allows it to outcomplete native vegetation and makes it very difficult to eradicate. These are but only a few of the invasive species that we’ll observe, and hopefully as we point out more, you’ll see how much of “nature” really is a slow motion invasion of alien plants.
Massive thicket of Himalayan Blackberry that wasn't here a couple months ago
Brilliant yellow flowers of Scotchbroom
Pea-like fruits of Scotchbroom. Closely related to peas, as you can see!

Site 3: Fungi

Here on our Bigleaf Maple tree, many kinds of lichens like to grow. This is common on the Maple tree—lichens love this tree. Lichens are actually fungi that have formed a relationship with a photosynthetic organism.  The common ones we can see growing here on the bark are: Hammered Shield Lichen (the foliose form that peels upwards), Oakmoss Lichen (the fruticose form that is branched and mossy looking), and Methuselah’s Beard Lichen (also fruticose, but finer).

                If we move over to this compost pile, we see the more conventional fungi organism: the mushroom. Here we see a gilled fungus, which is just one form of mushroom. The mushroom is merely the spore-producing structure of the fungus, or the fruiting body (pick it and pass around). The fungus organism itself is actually a network of small living threads underground called hyphae. This body is a mass of hyphae that have grown together and then upwards to pop out of the ground and spread spores. Mushrooms come in many forms. This is a gill form mushroom as you can see by the gills on under the cap. Within these gills are the millions of tiny spores that are easily dispersed when the mushroom is disturbed. Mushrooms are extremely difficult to identify and have grown to closely imitate each other so that poisonous and non-poisonous can hardly be distinguished. Every feature on a mushroom must be closely examined, from its smell, to how it bruises, to the cap shape, and even then you should be cautious!
                Some fungi grow on dead, woody material, some form in grass fields, others form on the roots of plants. Either way, the fungi cannot make their own food like plants can, and so they feed off the sugars and carbohydrates that the photosynthetic plants make. The fungi usually provide an exchange with the plants: the plants give sugars and the fungi absorb essential nutrients from the soil that the plants can use.  Interestingly enough, fungi are mostly closely related to humans than to plants. One, we share a more recent common ancestor and, two, we cannot produce our own food and therefore feed off carbohydrates and sugars from plants (as well as other materials, of course, for the non-vegans). Other cool fungi we’ve seen here at Discovery Park include the Shaggy Parasol, the Oyster Mushroom, and a species of Amanita. 
Hammered Shield Lichen
Oakmoss Lichen
Methuselah's Beard Lichen
Gilled mushroom example
Shaggy Parasol
Oyster Mushroom
Mushroom in genus Amanita

Site 4: Meadow Vegetation

At this location, you’ll notice quite a few different things flowering. One major characteristic that you’ll notice that all these plants share is that they love the sun! This typifies plants common of grasslands. At this location, we have a wide variety of grasses, as well as Seashore Lupin, Field Mustard, Black Lotus, and Poison Hemlock. How many species of grasses can you tell apart? If you look closely, you can probably find at least four! However, identifying grass species tends to be a little botanically intensive, so just appreciate how diverse a system can be even if it doesn’t look like it. There are quite a few things we can identify though! I’m sure you’ve noticed the beautiful Seashore Lupin; these plants are characterized by purple-white flowers that are bilaterally symmetric on a tall stalk. If you pull apart the two lower petals, you can see the “wolf claw” that is the male part of the flower (Lupin = wolf). We will also find Poison Hemlock here; don’t eat it! Although touching it isn’t necessarily bad, you might get a tiny rash. You can identify it from its highly divided leaves and how the flowers come together to make an umbrella like shape. It is thought that these flowers act as one super flower to attract more pollinators. Somewhat ironically, people used to take very low dosages of this plant as a sedative.  One of the more interesting plants we might find here is the Black Lotus. It is a large shrub with pinnately compound leaves and long hanging stalks of white flag flowers, similar to those of the Lupin. This isn’t a friendly tree; look at the thorns on it!

Common Velvet Grass, one of the few easily identifiable grasses. Look at the purple tinge!
Field Mustard
Poison Hemlock; in my defense, I didn't know what it was when I touched it.
Only illustrates how important it is to know your plants when you're in nature!
Seashore Lupin

Arielle relaxing under the shade of a Black Lotus tree
Site 5: Birds

Amongst the Red Alders is a great place to look for birds since the vegetation is relatively low and not very thick, giving birds enough habitat to roam without obscuring your chance to actually see them. In looking for birds, it is very helpful to gain some familiarity with the song or call associated with each species, because often you will hear them before you can see them. (point out any recognizable bird calls). On different occasions, the species we have seen here include Anna’s Hummingbird, the Black-Capped Chickadee, the White-Crowned Sparrow, the American Robin, and the Spotted Towhee.
Hummingbirds are actually more common than you might think, and it’s helpful if you can pick out the call to locate them, since they are so small. Their call is a very distinctive squeaky pitch, and they often perch on the tops of trees to be heard, making them easier to locate than one might think. The Black-Capped Chickadee call is an almost lazy sounding set of two whistles at two different notes. However, what is interesting is that they use their call to indicate the presence of predators to others in their flock or family. To do this, they add more “dee dee’s” to the call, and the more you hear, the greater the threat. White-Crowned Sparrows have a song that starts high and then descends. If we hear it, I will point out how some people hear “I’m a White-Crowned Sparrow” distinguishable in the song.  Lastly, both the American Robin and the Spotted Towhee are related in the Thrush family. The American Robin song is quite melodic, while the Spotted Towhee tends to screech almost like a cat, ironically.
In order to see and hear more birds, we have found it helpful to play call-backs. This is when you play a recording of a song or call in order to try to get the bird to come closer. This practice however, should be done with care. Some people argue that this should not be done, because it introduces a stress into the bird’s environment. However, others argue that this is a viable way to allow people to better study and visualize birds, and that they will acclimate to the stress relatively quickly. We had some great success getting together a group of four Spotted Towhees in the woods when we played calls-backs. Let’s try a few now…
Anna's Hummingbird
Photo: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Annas_Hummingbird/id
Black-Capped Chickadee
White-Crowned Sparrow
Photo: http://www.prbo.org/calpif/htmldocs/species/scrub/nuttall%27s_white_crowned_sparrow.htm
American Robin
Spotted Towhee

Site 6: Disturbance

In a broadly defined sense, a disturbance is anything that removes living biomass from a system. This can take on a variety of forms such as fires, earthquakes, grazing, wind, disease, pests, and land use conversion (e.g. urbanization). Disturbance often serves to create a heterogeneous landscape that creates a variety of habitats. For example, grazing by animals might prevent any trees from growing in that area, and keeps it a grassland setting, since grass is one of the few groups of species that can survive heavy grazing. In fact, this is exactly what is happening here; escaped domestic rabbits have made it into Discovery Park and have been breeding like crazy. This is a location where we have often seen rabbits grazing. If you look at the vegetation, much of it is grass, which is short and sparse, even though other areas have quite tall grass. In fact, this entire area is surrounded by tall Red Alder trees, but there isn’t a single sapling in this gap. It seems that the rabbits prefer this location to graze; possibly because the surrounding trees provide cover and a quick getaway should a predator come along. This is a perfect example of heterogeneity. In an area that would otherwise be all Red Alder forest, there is this little patch of grassland, maintained by the rabbit shepherds of the grasslands. Now for bunny pictures!

We tried to get close, but it hopped away. Its little hopping is probably what is keeping it alive and from being eaten!

Site 7: Land Use

Judging from the buildings on the premises, what do you think was once here? What do you think the land was used for? As it turns out, this was established as a military base in 1896 to be artillery battery meant to defend Seattle and the south Puget Sound in case of a naval attack. Starting in 1902, it was repurposed for infantry use, with the construction of several new buildings to accommodate the soldiers. In 1938, the army offered to sell the land to the City of Seattle for a dollar an acre, but the city turned down the offer citing maintenance concerns. As World War II began, over 20,000 soldiers were stationed here, with 6,000 German and Italian prisoners there at any given time, typically en route to Hawaii for a more permanent imprisonment. Can you imagine that many people here? That is so many people! After the war, in the late 1950’s, the base was repurposed yet again into an anti-aircraft base, complete with state-of-the-art radar and anti-aircraft missiles. This was never necessary though, as no attack ever came. Finally, the army donated most of the land to the City of Seattle as Discovery Park in 1973. It was not until 2011 though, that the most of the remaining land was donated and the fort was closed. As you can see, some relics still remain. There a few buildings that weren’t demolished so they could house government employees. In fact, there is still an old radar station that the FAA still uses and is active. You can probably pick it out; it looks like a giant soccer ball!
The Fort in 1936, mostly for infantry use
The Fort in the 1950's, complete with radar and anti-air missiles
Discovery Park in 2009

Photo Credit: First two photos are from http://pauldorpat.com/seattle-now-and-then/seattle-now-then-fort-lawton-barracks/
Last photo is from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aerial_view_of_Discovery_Park_and_Fort_Lawton_in_Seattle.jpg

Site 8: Invertebrates

This rosemary bush is a great place to see pollination in action and to observe some of the most visible invertebrates, namely bees. We have been able to identify two species of bees that pollinate this bush, as well as many other plant species. This is the Honey Bee, the prime bees responsible for honey production. This is the Yellow-Faced Bumblebee.
The bumblebee is a major pollinator of many plants, but in particular are greatly important to plants in the Solanaceae family—this is the nightshade family which includes tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers, and eggplant. The bumblebees are needed to pollinate these plants because the plants' reproductive structures require something called buzz pollination. The stamens, which carry the pollen in them, form a long cone shape that tucks both the pollen and the pistil, the female organ, inside. When a bumblebee comes along, in order to access the pollen which the bee uses as food, the stamen structure must be opened. The bee must vibrate its massive flight muscles with enough force to open the cone structure. In the process of the bee getting the pollen, the female pistil gets pollinated, so this system works to both the bee’s and the plant’s advantage. This system is known as mutualism. We will talk more about interactions at another site though. This is one of the reasons why people are concerned about the decline of native bee populations worldwide, since bumblebees are currently the only known organisms able to effectively pollinate Solanaceae plants.
In this area, other invertebrates we have seen include Lady Beetles, House Flies, and Carpenter Ants. These are all insects, which are the only group of invertebrates to have developed flight. Beetles are in an insect order called Coleoptera, which means “sheathed wing” and indicates the second pair of wings which are hardened and lie on top of the first pair of wings. Flies are in the insect order Diptera which means “two wings,” indicating that they use only one pair of wings. Lastly, ants are actually in the same order as bees and wasps, Hymenoptera, which means “membrane wing” and are distinguished by a small clasp in the waist.
Honey Bee
Yellow-Faced Bumblebee
Lady Beetle
House Fly
Carpenter Ant

Site 9: Animal Behavior 

Here we see a common sight, a swarm of Barn Swallows swooping and diving (show picture). This is a specialized behavior that helps them to feed almost exclusively on flying insects. Their boomerang shape allows them to glide effortlessly. They’re also actually a species that has co-evolved and been very successful living with humans, similar to the American Crow, who is another common species here. They like open spaces and have changed from building nests in caves to building them on the sides of buildings, usually barns, which gives this swallow its name. They tend to spread wherever humans colonize, suggesting a positive relationship between us and the Barn Swallow. These nests are usually cup-like and made out of mud and sticks so that it sticks to the sides of buildings. Another interesting behavior is that, as you can see, these birds are pretty social and swarm together whereas a lot of the other birds you see, other than crows, are frequently seen foraging in solitude. Barn Swallow parents sometimes get help from other birds to feed their young. These helpers at the nest are usually older siblings from previous clutches, but unrelated juveniles may help as well. At Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, we saw the Barn Swallows working together to build their nests, as well. I saw around three birds, on average, working on one nest at a time.
                As I mentioned, the American Crow is quite a social bird as well. They form groups and roost together to forage and defend territory. The urban ones display a marked intelligence. Our field guide remarks that the crow has flourished because "much of its survival strength lies in its ability to adapt to a variety of habitats, food resources, and environmental conditions." As such, this species persists here in the Pacific Northwest almost year-round. We've observed crows in Discovery Park, and they appear to be fairly nonchalant and unconcerned of predators. I speculate that, based on these two kinds of birds, perhaps birds that are more social or cooperative survive better under the pressures of human influence. Or, looking at it another way, humans may have actually created a new niche, the urban environment, where some species are actually more successful than they may otherwise be.

Barn Swallow
American Crow
Site 10: Species Interactions

Often times, species are interacting with each other right in front of our eyes, yet we don’t realize it. Before we step into this forested area, look around at the vegetation. Does it seem like the species here are helping each other? Probably not that much; these are the first species to come in after a disturbance, and their goal is just to colonize the area as soon as they can. Unfortunately for them, they are not good at preventing new species at coming in. Eventually, species that are better at competing come in, such as this Douglas Fir. This is when facilitation between species becomes more obvious. Douglas Fir generally loves the sun, and grows big when it gets plenty of it. This ends up creating quite a bit of shade, which then allows other plants, those that love the shade, to grow in that space. The perfect example of a shade-loving plant that grows well with the aid of the Doulas Fir is this Western Hemlock here. Western Hemlock is one of the few trees that are shade tolerant, and is easy to identify because if you look closely at the needles, they are all of varying length, which is how the Latin name Tsuga heterophylla came about (heterophylla meaning “different leaf”, or in this case, leaves of different lengths). Although it doesn’t seem like it, this kind of interaction is happening all the time; early colonizing species change the conditions of the environment to allow other species to come along and take their place. This sequential cycle of plants is called succession, and is often reset by large disturbances.

Douglas-Fir, soaking up the sun
Western Hemlock, hiding in the shade, being a recluse. 
Site 11: Forest Vegetation

Here underneath these towering trees are vegetation that need to be shade tolerate to survive. Can you identify a few? Looking at the lower vegetation, we can see a few of our common understory plants such as Fringecup, Western Trumpet Honeysuckle, Fireweed, Large-leaved Avens, Snowberry, Thimbleberry, Sword ferns, and Lady ferns. You can identify fringecup from its generally white, cup shaped flowers that are attached directly to a single stalk, while the majority of its leaves are attached to the base of the stalk. Most people have some idea what honeysuckle looks like from its opposite leaves and long, tubular orange flowers. Also worth noting is the petal arrangement; 4 upper petals and 1 lower petal is a defining characteristic for this genus (Lonicera). Fireweed truly earns its name, for when it blooms it is a brilliant stalk of pink, filled with 4-petaled flowers. Snowberry isn’t super obvious until it fruits with its pale white berries. Otherwise, you can identify it from its shrubby growth form, small white-pink tubular flowers, and opposite leaves. Don’t try to eat these white berries though; they’ve earned the name “Corpseberry”. Thimbleberry is a small shrub whose leaves look similar to those of a maple, except they are serrated. The flowers are white and 5 parted (5 petals and sepals), with many stamens. If you’re lucky, you can find them when they have edible red berries on them! In this area we also find two of our four native ferns; the sword and lady ferns. You can tell them apart because the sword fern is has fronds that are singlely compound, with the leaflets being sharply pointed with a small lobe pointing forward at the bottom. On the other hand, the lady fern has fronds that are doubly compound, and has a “lady-like” curvature overall. 
General growth form of Fringecup
Close-up of the flowers on Fringecup
Large-leaved Avens
Orange Trumpet Honeysuckle: look at the 4 upper petals and 1 lower!
Sword Fern
Lady Fern: leaflets of leaflets!
Photo Credit: naturalhistory.crowspath.org
Thimbleberry, with maple-like leaves
Site 12: Soil

Note these unstable bluff signs. Of course most bluffs are unstable; however, we have a higher risk of landslides on bluffs here in the Pacific Northwest, especially when it rains. Does anyone know why? (field answers) It is because of our glacial soil layers, and the clay layer that makes soil slick and slippery. To understand how this came to be, we must understand the geologic history of this area.
About 14,000 years ago, this area was covered by glaciers reaching southwards from Canada. In fact, glaciers created a lobe shape that reached down into the Puget Sound region and helped further carve out the landscape before retreating. Much of the Puget Sound Troth was the result of a massive lake, called Glacial Lake Russell, that was formed when the glacier prevented drainage of water back into the ocean. When the glacier moved over it, it brought in soil and rocks that had been ground up by the movement of the heavy ice. As it progressed, the glacial soil began to fall out of the watery solution first farther away from the oncoming glacier, where the water is more calm. The soils falls out of solution in order of the smallest to largest particles. Accordingly, clay, the smallest particle, falls to the bottom of the lake bed first farthest from the glacier. It is then covered by the next largest particle, sand. As the glacier moves forward, it brings progressively larger pieces of soil with it that continue to stack. The next is silt and then finally, large pieces that are appropriately named glacial till. Thus the soil layers look like this (show picture). Pre-Lawton Sediments (soil here before the glaciers), Lawton Clay, Esperance Sand, Silt, and Glacial Till. When these soil layers sit on top of Pre-Lawton Sediments, the clay layer creates a landslide hazard. Water can permeate down through larger pieces of soil, like till, silt, and sand. However, clay is so small that water can’t really permeate through it, and so the water will actually runoff that soil layer underground. Just imagine your soil sitting on top of a bar of soap. The variety of soils in Washington beg for better knowledge of which soils are good for building on and for specific land uses, and for landowners to heed their predetermined nature.
Photo credit for soil diagram: http://www.tubbs.com/ic52/ic52.htm

Site 13: Geology

Here we are at the last stop to view the beautiful Olympic Mountain Range. Does anyone know what formed these peaks? (field answers) So it all has to do with plate tectonics. In fact, the interactions among the plates that compose the Earth’s crust are the reason for both the Olympic and the Cascade mountain ranges. Washington sits on the edge of a plate called the North American plate. Another plate called the Juan de Fuca plate that lies under the Pacific Ocean to the west of us is being pushed towards us, and in the process is sliding under the North American plate. This is called a subduction zone. This sliding also explains the historic earthquakes in our area.
                The Olympic mountain range was formed as the basalt rock of the Juan de Fuca plate was scraped off the top of the plate as it was subducted under the North American Plate. In fact, you can find old ocean sediments filled with shells in the Olympics. The Cascade range is another testament to the consequences of a subduction zone. As the Juan de Fuca plate sinks under the North American plate, it begins melting back into magma. Some of this magma rises up through cracks in the North American plate and, over time, have formed this range which includes three volcanoes. Can you guess how many of these are active or inactive? (field answers) In fact, all three of them are active! These include Mount Baker at the northern tip of the Cascades, Glacier Peak, and Mount Rainier.
                The mountains provide not only spectacular scenery, but can add so much to the amazing diversity of habitat and species we are privileged to see here in the Pacific Northwest!
Olympic Mountain Range
Washington's Subduction Zone
Photo: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/02/28/1188893/-Tsunami-Geology-and-the-Quileute-Nation#

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